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Start a business as a stay at home mum?

As a stay at home mum, you’re one of the most hardworking people in the world. This drive and responsibility makes you one of the best candidates to be an entrepreneur and start your own business.

However, as a stay at home mum, you may not think you have the time to start a business. You can, though, start a business in your own home. If you aren’t sure what to do, we are going to look at a few ideas to get you inspired.

1. Childminding

The first idea on our list is simply an expansion of what you do already. If you can handle or want more children in your home, you could always be a professional childminder. This is a great career choice because as long as parents work, they will need help with childcare. Plus, as a stay at home mum, you are more likely to be trusted for the job than a teenage babysitter or someone who doesn’t have the experience of raising a child.

In addition, you already have what you need to start this business. After all, you have plenty of children’s toys to keep the children you mind entertained throughout the day and you likely have all the supplies you need, so you’re ready to go!

2. Baker

Many mums love to bake and if you’re one of these people, you could market your skills. Baking is something that you can do in your home and it’s something that – if you’re talented – you can make a lot of money off of. After all, while many people bake, not everyone can make their baking delicious and beautiful.

If you really want to make money baking, you should learn to make special orders. For example, wedding cakes can be very profitable.

3. Gardening

One thing that not everyone has is a green thumb. However, many people in today’s world want to do is eat healthier. After nightmare stories about what’s in the processed foods we eat, many people are looking for something that they know how it was made and that it’s good for them.

This is where you come in. You can grow food for the people in your community and turn a profit from it. While this is a great idea in a rural area, if you can grow fresh food in a more urban environment, you’ll probably find your customers are willing to pay a bit more because your product is in higher demand.

4. Crafting or Sewing

For many people making crafts or sewing is just a hobby. If you love to sew, you could incorporate that into a business too. The first idea that many people come up with for this is creating your own clothing or sewing items and selling them online. If you’re a crafts and DIY lover, you can easily set up an Etsy store and sell your handmade or vintage crafts online. However, Etsy should not be your only choice as there are also other ways and several alternative sites for crafters.

For that choice, you will want to be sure to label your products because you want them to be labeled as yours – your brand, that is. With a tag with your label on it, for example, the item can’t be resold as someone else’s handmade item. After all, you don’t want someone else to profit for the hard work and love you put into your products.

There are other options if you want something a little different, though. If you are very good at sewing technically, you could always start a sewing class. This way, you are sharing your craft and making a profit!

The best part about this option is that the advance of technology means that you don’t have to worry about inviting people into your home for class. Instead, you can now hold classes online through a video chat or pre-recorded video.

5. Teach Music Lessons

Another creative idea is to teach music lessons to kids. This business idea is great for a few different reasons. First, as with child minding, you already know how to work with children. After all, you’ve raised your own since birth. So, you’ll have an easier time teaching them.

On top of that, though, you will also get a chance to explore your own passion for music and keep your own skills honed. If you are simply practicing on your own, you might forget or not pay attention to your technique but if you’re teaching those techniques to a child, though, you have to be aware of them.

6. Soap Making

As we discussed with the idea of a gardening business, there are more people who want to buy natural. This doesn’t stop at food, though. Another option is to make natural and artisan version of products people use daily such as soap.

You can also take your soap making business to the next level by creating other bath products. For example, you could homemade lotion or face wash. From here, you can add benefits to your bath products such as adding lavender to help your customers relax when they use them.

7. Start Blogging

In the age of the Internet, you can make money by starting your own blog. This idea takes a while to build up but it can be profitable as well as cathartic when you get going. The best part is, you can take this idea anywhere and write about whatever you want. One of the best ideas for a stay at home mum, though, is to simply relay stories and tips about being a stay at home mum!

This idea is great because you don’t need much to get started. All you really need is a computer and an internet connection to get your blog going.

Do you have any more ideas to add? Let us know!

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